Fresh Air

Me & My Best friend

Looks like we had a nice walk in the sunshine taking in the fresh air right? 
Do not be fooled!! i had a backpack reign on Primrose keeping her close to me as she loves walking outside and in the opposite direction to the way i want her to go of course! With the dog on the expanding lead which Primrose also wants to hold and goes crazy until i give it her to hold. King (our pooch) obviously doesn't understand if he stops for a wee and then catches us up walking the other way round us he gets us tangled with the lead wrapping round our legs. Primrose now going mad again having took the lead off her to untangle ourselves and of course; the dogs still running round us. 
Another dog then approaches us and King gets excited wanting to go over, with the other dog being across the road this wasn't great. Primrose wants to follow king near the road whilst i'm trying to keep her close on her reigns, the dog taking full advantage of his expanding lead as i didn't get much time to restrict him with everything going on :) :) :) 

King has a Poo, i get the dog bags out, Primrose hurry's over to see what all the fuss is about wanting to pick the poo up herself not knowing what it actually was that she was about to pick up. Thank god i got there first :) 
Were finally nearly home - Quick picture to show we had a nice evening walk and that we had a great time with no incidents what so ever.... lets show everyone how easy it is being a mother hey?

Please can we just take the time to appreciate not everything looks as plane sailing as pictures make out!! But of course i wouldn't change a thing about being a mama!

  • Wearing my Suede Khaki green jacket from Miss Guided
  • Primrose wearing her summer denim jacket from Next 
Thank you for reading my Blog, i hope it made you laugh a little! 





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