No, I'm not pregnant, I know this one would have made just a few of you think PAIGE? PREGNANT?
I'm not even thinking about having another baby right now, Although I have found recently more and more people are asking "whens the next one? you may as well have another soon to keep them close together" which is very true in a way, and I do want my children all to be close in age, but a 3 year age gap sounds perfect for me? If I had it in me to be a SUPERRRRR nanny mum then I definietly would have one now, but I don't feel I have re-gained my sleep and energy back from having Primrose yet!! Does anyone else feel like this or do I just need to seriously man the hell up? haha!
Anyway, I thought I would do a blog on how me and Adam found the pregnancy by not 'finding out' the sex of our beautiful little bundle of joy which I was cooking for us, with little input from baby daddy!!! mwahaha (When Prim's dad reads this I know he will laugh at this bit).
As soon as we found out we were expecting our first little human, we both said straight away "lets keep it a secret and not find out the sex" we heard lots of stories, more so from the older generation (by this i mean anyone 30+) who have had children and they didn't find out the sex, i think this is more of a old school thing. They all said it was the best experience ever on that day of delivery finding out what you have created. This made our mind up, the motto me and Adam stuck by for 9 months, when ever we felt really tempted to just find out!! 'you don't get many surprises in life and this is the most beautiful surprise you could ever wait for'.
We found a lot of people who were more of our age, who had had children, they were more 'OMG i don't know how your waiting I just needed to find out, no colour is boring' But we were quite happy about keeping it neutral, there is nothing I love more than new babies being in crisp white outfits(again just my opinion) plus our house is VERY much white/cream/grey, so this was totally fine for us. We just went with a theme of white and a very light grey for the babies nursery and we loved it.
Me & Adam didn't struggle with not finding out, this was definitely the best decision for us both. The experience we endured by not finding out and waiting until the end and the doctor passing her over shouting "ITS A LITTLE BABY GIRL" this was the most amazing feeling in the world and that whole 9 MONTHS!!! felt like a minute compared to the feeling it gave to me and Adam as new parents.
I remember because I had to get rushed down to theatre, only Adam could come with me so my mum and dad (YES I HAD BOTH MY MUM AND DAD IN MY LABOUR) had to stay upstairs in my delivery room and wait for me to come back up. Due to my time in theatre not going to plan I was down there for around 4 hours, so once my mum and dad woken up after falling asleep they were going insane asking all the midwives "Has Paige had the baby, Is she OK? Why is she still not up here yet?" Obviously at this point our baby had been born but Adam & I weren't allowed to leave the theatre ground until I was ready. I remember the midwife coming over to me and asking 'Can I tell your mum and dad your OK and the baby has been born?' I said yes of course please let them know but please don't tell them the sex.
My mum and Dad were finally allowed to come down and see me for literally 10 minutes (this usually isn't allowed but because of what happened and the length of time it took for me to come round and complete my labour process they let them up quickly).
This feeling was the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced, this was my real delivery story.
Me & Adam had just seen each other after two long hours, and that was my first real time of holding my baby for the first time so as you can imagine emotions are SKY HIGH, my mum and dad walked through and as soon as they seen me my mum shouted "Is it a boy?"
NO MUM ITS A GIRL!!!!!! (God sake, haha she only said this because she was adamant I was having a boy)
We were all in tears with happiness and joy!!!!
Keeping it a surprise was the best decision we made for our first baby.
Our babies nursery has just recently been updated with colour now she's becoming a toddler and we have added PINK 💞💞💞
Our next baby - will we keep it as a surprise again? 80% yes, 20% I want to find out but keep it a secret from all our family and friends - we will see!!!!
Don't let anyone's comments and opinions persuade you too much, its literally whats best for you and what experiences you are wanting for your delivery. Everyone is different. 💛
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