"Does your baby sleep through yet?"

Ok, so I have had so many other mummies ask me this in the past and I probably get asked this question every time I meet a new mum, whether it's in a play centre or just down the supermarket "does your baby sleep all the way through now?!" 

The expression on there faces when they ask this question is in such desperation, I really do feel there pain. But seriously when your child is like 15 months old and still waking up every 3 hours there's no other emotion to describe other than 'desperate'.

Being a mum is such a learning curve, you literally don't stop learning new ways and techniques of doing things that's right for you &  your baby. 
When I'm out and around other mums, you find yourself just talking to anyone & within seconds your talking about how your baby does or doesn't do something, then instantly the other mum shares her experience in that area too. I think this is amazing, sharing your experience & knowledge with others who may need just that little bit of help whether it's baby weaning, sleeping or even pooing(gross I know but all normal things us mums go through and need to know about). 

I have already done a blog post on our bedtime routine & how it worked for us as a family, but I just wanted to recap on Primrose's sleeping.

We had Primrose in an amazing routine; bath, bottle & bed. This worked amazing for us, and especially for Primrose. 
But then she got ILL!!!!!! Why is it every time they become ill there whole sleeping pattern is none existent?? Anyway, the routine was well and truly forgot about, she wouldn't go down easy she would scream for ages for us to go back in and get her, as she was ill I just wanted her to be comforted, so she was in our bed, but she would then wake 2/3 times in the night, most probably me and Adam moving around which then woke her up, so she would be unsettled for hours before we give her milk which then she would go back to sleep. 
The milk situation was well and truly a no go for us once she was in her sleep routine.  
At one stage I remember she was waking up for milk, she would go back down then wake up again a couple of hours later. When your so sleep deprived and probably in zombie mode, you literally would do anything to get your child back to sleep, so shoving a bottle in her mouth was everything at that point until the next night where again she was waking up for milk!!!!! So yes, we now have a strictly no milk in the middle of the night rule. 

Obviously when there teething there is nothing we can do, we literally just have to be there to comfort them(let's face it tooth ache is horrible). Again, this can throw you & your baby out of your routine but once you know your baby is pain free & that tooth has pierced through the skin then you just have to be strong & slowly ease the sleep routine back in. Babies thrive off routine, so sometimes it's a bitter sweet love ❤️ 

My 5 main bedtime rituals:

  • Bath at around the same time every night(ours is 8)
  • Making sure the room is dark when getting them dressed for bed 
  • Get everything ready and in place like; pj's, milk, dummy & blanket(saves you running around getting it and primrose getting giddy running round after you hahaha)
  • I definitely think the baby having there own room helped us loads when it comes to Primrose settling properly - but everyone is different, this is just our experience 
  • Don't talk, make much eye contact or keep walking back in every minute when there not settling so good at bedtime -babies are not daft, once they know you will keep coming back in and will finally pick them up because your so sick of hearing them cry & you feel so sorry for them, they will then do that every night & that's your bedtime routine out the window, say BYE BYEEEEEEEE to star fishing in your own bed if your a softy!!! 
I really hope this helps anyone who thinks that there baby is the only baby who doesn't sleep. This is obviously just my experiences and every baby/family is different, but if your baby is struggling at bedtime then maybe just give any of the above a go and see if it makes a difference? 

If you want to ask me anything or would like me to do a blog on something else then you can leave your comments below and I shall get back to you & help you as much as I can with my experiences. ❤️❤️






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