My New Found Love

If anyone hasn't already realised from my Instagram feed, I am literally obsessed with Horses at the minute, the two images just above this text, we was driving down a main road when we noticed all these babies at the wire looking like they were waiting for some attention. Of course, we had to pull over get the full family out the car and say hello to the Gee Gee's.
We were actually on our way to meet family for tea, but this was not stopping us getting out. The photo's don't show how many there were and how amazing it was to see them all there waiting. Or its just me being a total horse freak? "AWWW, LETS GET OUT AND SAY HELLO TO THEM" Maybe.
Me and Adam have always tried to introduce Primrose to animals and make her friendly with them, we always approach animals stroking them and saying 'gentle hands'. Sometimes she gets super excited and strokes them a little harder than she should but we just tell her to be careful, she totally understands and adores any animal she comes across.
Because we have our dog, King. She has always been amazed by any form of animal, she loves them! Everyone always says shes going to be a vet or do something to do with animals when she's older. She knows every animal noise there is, she is super intrigued and really checks out every animal she meets.
I wrote a Blog last week on how I have found having a dog with a baby, just because I have had so many messages from my followers asking how King is with Primrose. The answer is Amazing, they are best friends - Its super cute to watch!!We always visit the farm near by us (Reddish Vale). We love it here, we went not long ago and there was a pony grooming lesson on, there were two little ponies there with there hair being brushed and having it plated by little girls. I was amazed, I have never seen this before. What an amazing idea! They let us through the gate and even though Primrose was too little to brush or plate the hair the lady said she can just come in and say hello, so we went in and had some pictures taken with the beautiful little ponies. (Shots are at the top of the blog). So if anyone has children that would love to do this, Reddish Vale Farm have certain days and times to go, Click here to go to the website for more information.
I'm probably crazy but I would love a 'mini farm' in my back garden to wake up to in the mornings and spend days outside with all the animals. I've told Adam we have to get a bigger garden and build our own stable for a little Pony, that is definitely my goal for when Primrose is older. I probably need to be a millionaire of some sort to do this, but theirs no harm in dreaming. - Cute right?
If you know of any Horse related days out which allows you to interact with the horse/pony itself please leave a comment below so I can check it out!
& of course take shots/share my review on the day out, What I do best!
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