My thoughts on Having a Pooch & a Baby

Ok, so I thought I should write up a blog on my thoughts on having a Dog with a baby.
So many people have messaged me on social media and asked how my dog is with my daughter and how he took to having a baby in the house when initially he was the 'baby' of the house beforehand.
My dog is called King, his breed is 'Red Toy Poodle'. When we first got King, he was the tiniest puppy I have ever seen, he looked just like a little teddg bear, everyone couldn't believe how cute he actually was and how small he was in person.
If your looking to get a puppy, really do your research on the breed your getting and what it takes to have a puppy. Especially the toilet training, food they should eat, and all training requirements.
When we got King, it definitely prepared us for having a baby(no joke) we had to get up in the night to take him for wees on the mats/outside, he wouldn't stop crying all night he never wanted to leave our side I have to carry him everywhere, or I would probably stand on him because he was under my feet 24/7.
They really do become your children & your best fiend, they know when your poorly or feeling upset, King just comes and sits next to me and lays his little head on me as if to say 'it's OK mum'. They are super loving.
Once your over the training stage, that's really when you start to enjoy the puppy and get the feel of how life is going to be with a dog for the next 18-20 years.... Amazing!
Anyway, we found out we was having a baby a year after we bought King. The first thing everyone said was "oh you have to be careful your dog will get really jealous, especially because you treat him like a baby himself" which to be honest did scare me a little bit, me and Adam had several conversations about it, we just said we would involve him as much as we can and we will just introduce the baby to him and let him have a smell/little lick and let him know everything is OK and that we love him and the baby the same.
So we did just that, some people were against the letting him smell/lick the baby, which I'm not lean on but because we know King is a clean dog & he's just like a little teddy bear we knew nothing was wrong with this so we just ignored everyone's comments.
We brought the baby home, when the baby was sleeping she would be in her Moses basket and we would sit snuggled on the sofa with King just as us usual. Now Primrose is 18 months old, it doesn't quite work like that anymore!!! Primrose is jumping all over the sofa, King is trying his hardest to get away from her because she is obsessed with him and doesn't leave him alone. - all love of course!
King has the fur called Hypoallergenic, this means that if you have allergic reactions to dogs you will be OK with mine, he doesn't malt, he never ever smells even when he's due his pamper appointment (every 4-6 weeks) he is SO loving, his fur is super soft(everyone constantly comments on his fur) & he generally is the best dog I have ever experienced.
Primrose who is now 18 months as you know is obsessed with the dog, she gets so excited every time we get outside the house and she can hear him barking at the door, she will just randomly walk over to the dog and put her head down on him whilst he's sleeping. He will take toys/objects to her and drop it at her feet and she will either run with it and he chases her whilst she's laughing her head off or they play tug of war and that is full of laughter all round!!
There's so much love between them both it's amazing to watch!
I'm constantly putting snapchat videos of them on - I constantly get messages from people who won't even know us but comment how amazing King is with Primrose.
SnapChat: paige-pickering
If you have anymore questions about my pooch or in general, comment below and I will respond with a thorough answer.
Thank you for reading this Blog, I hope it helps ❤️
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