Weight Loss Secrets So Far
Bikini Mix & Match: Primark
As so many people have messaged me, I thought it would be best to write up a blog about my weight-loss Journey so far and what it has taken to get to where I am now. I've not lost loads of weight or gained loads of muscle just yet and I am no where near my goal right now, but I am definitely heading in the right direction and starting to feel great about myself.
Last year, me and my partner went on our first family holiday as a '3', we took our 8 month old baby with us to Cyprus. This was a totally different holiday for me, I never felt so horrible and really uncomfortable with my body, I didn't feel good walking round in a bikini what so ever. I know I had just had a baby and a lot of people reminded me of this when I had my days of 'moaning' but it was no excuse, but for me at that time I wasn't physically & emotionally ready to work hard on my body as I was just so focused on being a baby mummy (I didn't have the energy to think about anything else haha).
So this year, I've made sure I have done something about it. I want to feel good about my body and most importantly for me I want to feel comfortable and 'nice' in my clothes.
I have spent a lot of time on Instagram searching for inspirational fitness mummy's or just anyone in general. I always liked it when there was story behind it, mainly on why they made the decision to change there body. when I come across someone who had just had a baby and they were working hard on there body explaining how it makes them feel loads better, more energised, clearer skin, positive mind etc. it made me realise if they can why the hell cant I?
Of course I can do it, I wasn't majorly fat or overweight, I just had a lot of body fat around my hips, thighs(thunder thighs to its finest) and a really sh*t bum! If I was someone else looking at me walking in a bikini I would think they ate the wrong things and they wasn't body confident what so ever, this isn't a good look right? So Ima change that!!

Bikini On the Right: Primark
Bikini on the Left - Top: Ebay & Pants: River Island
I didn't really have any 'before' pictures of my body without any clothes, I was never really someone to take pictures of myself in Bikini's etc. So this was hard for me to envisage what I used to look like and what my first goal was going to be.
However, I remember last year when I went on my friends Hen Doo(this was the second week of me starting slimming world & then having food poisoning so I was sick for 3 days) this was when I last remember feeling comfortable in my own skin and accepting my body for what it was in front of others - Great, I have my first goal!! (the picture on the right)
So, where was I going wrong?
When I sat down and thought about how I go along with my every day life. The percentage of exercise and healthy food was literally 2% (if that!). I was living a super unhealthy life 'On Paper'. Everyone would say you have a baby to run round after you are fit, and you miss meals and only snack on little amounts so "How can you be fat".
Yeah that's right, but I would snack on the most unhealthiest of foods. I was constantly eating junk food just because it was the 'easy & fast' option. I was drinking lots of Coke (I was probably addicted), zero amounts of water, no fruit or veg and no exercise what so ever.
I was totally unhealthy, you could see it in my skin, my body muscle was also non existent!
What do I need to change?
My Lifestyle. My Mindset. These are the two main factors for me. If I start to change them both, this is a massive start for me.
My mindset was so negative, I forgot how it felt to feel energised and nice about my body - I mean having a baby is a massive burden on your body and mind, it does crazy things to you!!
I hated the thought of going to the gym, every time I have been to the gym it made me feel physically sick and the feeling I would get when I ran on that god damn treadmill put me off going the next day. To listen to someone go on about how much they love the gym and how fit they are made me want to punch them in the face too!
Also to think about eating healthy, and cut out everything which was bad for me made me feel sad, like whats the point in life if you don't enjoy eating what you really like? Who enjoys eating garden leaves, REALLY?
Haha, I sounded like such a drama queen didn't I? But it was true, that's exactly how I felt so there was no chance what so ever that I would make the time to change my lifestyle to a healthy and better one.
Anyway, less of the negative... Lets talk about the change.
So the secret so far for me; Definitely my diet.
- I cut out all Junk food
- No more Full fat Coke
- Add Veg to every meal
- Add some fruit to my diet
- Drink between 1-2 Litres of Water a day!!
- Cut down to Red milk (Skimmed)
- Very small sugar in my Coffee/Tea
- Joined up at Pure Gym, Try to go at least 3 times a week
- Started weight training instead of just cardio
I only just started to notice a difference in myself this past week, and this is now my fourth week of being strict with my diet. This last week I haven't been to the gym what so ever, but I have been doing my abs, lunges & squat work outs still at home. So even if i cant make it to the gym I have no excuse for the non gym based workouts!
I'm not quite at my goal just yet, but I am super happy with the progress so far. For me, that is my motivation to keep on going. The changes in your body don't happen over night, or even after a week, just keep at it and you will start to see the changes very soon!
You will have your good and bad days, but remember to keep focused on them bad days and don't give up!
Also, I still allow myself a cheat meal or the odd cake/chocolate every now and again, just because if I didn't then I would have probably failed by now. This then gives you something to look forward too. I actually noticed the next day after having junk food, you actually don't enjoy how sluggish it makes you feel the next day so actually is it worth it? But I will never be able to totally cut out Mc Donald's lets all be true to ourselves Haha!
I hope this has helped a little and maybe even motivated at least 1 person to change to the 'better' you. If you have anymore questions, leave them below in the comments box and I will get back to you!
I would also just like to say Thank You to everyone who has already taken the time to message me with such kind words about my journey so far. It has definitely motivated me to keep on going!!
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